Friday, October 24, 2014

Baby Bumpkins!

Well hello there! It has been quite a long time since I posted, but between PCSing to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio TX to getting ready to OCS to Fort Richardson in Alaska, I have been one busy momma bee! I'm happy to say that I am back, and posting a whole lot more content!

Today's post is going to contain 2 fun activities! One that is an everyday and one that is a fun fall activity!


My daughter, Boston, is working on developing her hand motions, so I thought finger paint would be super fun, plus she's attracted to bright colors. Most moms would agree that finding a "baby safe" finger paint in stores is nearly impossible, so I resorted to making my own! Here's how I did it and spent less than 6$!

Step one: Buy your ingredients! 2 large tubs of plain yogurt 2.40$ each and Kool-Aid (you can pick and choose your colors) 

Step two: Blend the yogurt and Kool-Aid! I used one cup of yogurt and I poured little by little of the Kool-Aid powder until I got the color I wanted!

Step Three: Let your kiddos enjoy! I recommend putting them outside, but if you're brave then inside would do just fine! I just a dab of each on some paper for my daughter and she loved it! Her little friend AJ tasted it and didn't like the taste so much, so I wouldn't be too worried about them eating it, it's a trial and error type of deal! 

Presto! You have a fun activity for your kids that takes less than 5 minutes, cost less than 6$, and will make some really cool memories for you both! 


Okay, so I totally have to give my good friend Sarah for this idea! This is such a fun activity and makes the sweetest card for daddy and a cute picture for mommy! First you have to work up the courage to paint your baby's bottom like a pumpkin! I used acrylic paint and two sponge like brushes, but I assume any brushes will work. DON'T WORRY the acrylic paint comes off in a few moments with baby wipes and didn't cause any trouble for my daughters skin! 

Take a quick little pic for mommy to embarrass baby with for many years to come! Then you do the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen! I suggest having a friend help you, it's hard to get a good butt print without two sets of hands helping to sit the baby down!

Put your darling baby's butt cheeks on paper! I made this for my husband and he loved it! It's a fun little craft and takes less than 10 minutes! Plus we all got a good laugh out of it!